The United Nations declared the last decade of the 20th century, 1990-2000, the International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction (IDNDR) inviting the nations of the world to work together toward reducing damage caused by the impact of natural hazards.
To commemorate the work of that decade, the IDNDR Secretariat in partnership with publisher Tudor Rose Holdings Ltd., Leicester, England, an over one hundred experts who volunteered their time as authors, the book Natural Disaster Management ( 1999 Tudor Rose Holdings, Limited, Leicester, England: ISBN 0 9536140 0 X, and ISBN 0 9536140 1 8 ) was published.
Natural Disaster Management sought to demonstrate the vast and rich range of risk management efforts being pursued around the world; and that natural disaster management is a composite effort of many people doing daily work, being attentive to hazards and dedicated to their professional roles in reducing risks. The beauty of this book is that it is the product of the work of many individuals who contributed their time and effort for, without exception, no financial gain, to share their experiences and to pass on the lessons they have learned in the pursuit of managing natural disasters.
I had the privilege of being invited by the Editorial Advisory Board to write the chapter on Tropical Cyclone, the only caveat being that I had to do this in non-technical language, but in comprehensive fashion relative to the knowledge to be transmitted, and in no more than three pages: quite an interesting challenge and a wonderful opportunity to share with others for the benefit of many. You can read this chapter by clicking on the following link: UNbook
Very informative and researched. I read the complete article. Thanks!