It started about 4 -5 days ago as several tropical waves came out of the tropical wave assembly line over equatorial Africa and marched over the eastern Atlantic toward hurricane alley, eventually congealing into an elongated area of storms and rain more than 2000 miles long, which became part of a belt of tropical disturbed weather circling the Earth just north of the equator.

Composite full-disk satellite view of earth's western hemisphere on 22 August 2010. Higlighted within the yellow lines is the 'belt' of disturbed weather that includes three tropical depressions, which is circling the planet to the north of the equator.
As this elongated assemblage of tropical waves progressed along the warm waters of hurricane alley it encountered a favorable environment, which caused some of its component cells to get better organized and stronger. On 21 August one of these cells became a tropical depression, #6 of the 2010 Atlantic hurricane season.
Tropical depression #6 is being monitored closely by the National Hurricane Center as it continues to strengthen appearing poised for possible tropical cyclone development later today. The system had maximum sustained winds near 35 mph while it moved west by northwest at 8 mph.
Collaterally with this situation in hurricane alley the assembly line over equatorial Africa is generating some rather large and strong tropical waves, one of which is currently emerging over the eastern Atlantic to the south of the Cape Verde Islands. Other tropical waves are following on the same track respectively about 900 and 1800 miles behind. At the same time the Indian ocean to the east and southeast of India and near Indonesia is laden with very large and strong storm cells generating plenty of rain and disturbed weather, which are moving toward the west and eastern equatorial Africa; on the basis of these current weather conditions it would appear the tropical wave assembly line should have plenty of fuel in coming days to continue feeding hurricane alley over in the Atlantic.

Global mosaic of Earth, from the eastern Pacific to the eastern Indian ocean on 22 August 2010. Four color-enhanced infrared satellite views highlight tropical conditions in specific areas, including tropical depression #6 in the Atlantic.
Given these current tropical weather conditions, plus the fact that historically the most active phase of the annual Atlantic hurricane season takes place between mid-August and mid-October, with September being the most active month based on the historical record, we should all monitor these conditions closely for signs of potential tropical cyclone development in days and weeks to come. Keep in mind all it may take is one impact from a landfalling hurricane to have widespread damage and human suffering. WE must all pay attention, be prepared and above all, PRACTICE MITIGATION!!!
As of 5:00 p.m. on 22 August 2010 tropical depression #6 has become the 4th Tropical Storm of the 2010 Atlantic hurricane season: tropical storm DANIELLE. The storm shows signs of potential further strengthening in the next day or so. Models show this storm tracking more towaed the northwest by north over the next five days in the general direction of Bermuda. Interests in the norther Caribbean and along the USA Atlantic seaboard should closely monitor this storm’s progress over the next few days.
On 23 August 2010 in the afternoon tropical storm Danielle became a category 1 hurricane with sustained 75 mph winds, gusting to 90 mph, in the mid-Atlantic while it continues to track west by northwest at 16 mph. Environment ahead of the cyclone appears favorable for further strengthening