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Tag Archives: Philippines Sea
The Northwest Pacific: Typhoon Country 2013
The Pacific Ocean is so vast that it hosts three separate and distinct annual tropical cyclone seasons to the north of the equator: (1) the East Pacific Hurricane Season, (2) the Central Pacific Hurricane Season, and (3) the Northwest Pacific Typhoon … Continue reading
Posted in Cyclogenesis, Featured, Hurricanes, Tropical Cyclones, Tropical Depression, Tropical Storm
Tagged 180 Meridian, Atlantic Basin, Central Pacific Hurricane Season, China, DANAS, East Pacific Hurricane Season, FITOW, Northwest Pacific Hurricane Season, Pacific Ocean, Philippines Sea, Safir-Simpson Scale, SEPAT, South China Sea, Super-typhoon USAGI, Taiwan, the Philippines, Typhoon SOULIK, Typhoon UTOR, WUTIP
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In the course of just over one week since SANDY generated from a tropical depression in the Caribbean, became a tropical storm and reached hurricane strength as it hit Jamaica and then Cuba, also affecting Haiti and the Dominican Republic. … Continue reading
Posted in Featured, Flooding, Hurricanes, Storm Surge, Tropical Cyclones, Tropical Depression, Tropical Storm, Tropical Wave, Weather
Tagged Arabian Sea, Australia, Bay of Bengal, Caribbean, Cone of Uncertainty, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Eastern Atlantic, Eastern Pacific, Florida, Georgia, Gulf of Tonkin, Haiphong, Haiti, Hanoi, Hurricane SANDY, India, Indian Ocean, Jamaica, Maine, National Hurricane center, North Carolina, Philippines Sea, South Carolina, South China Sea, southern hemisphere, Taiwan, the Bahamas, the Philippines, Typhoon SON-TINH, Viet Nam, Western Paciific
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