Atlantic-wide satellite view for the aviation industry on 28 October 2010 showing three waves of disturbed weather, which are being monitored for possible cyclonic development
Three pre-cyclonic waves are on the move in the Atlantic on 28 October 2010 and are being investigated by the National Hurricane Center. One wave designated as 90L was located at Lat 27.0N Long 38.0W over the open waters of the Atlantic and it is moving toward the WNW at approximately 20 mph; wave 91L was located north of the mouth of the Amazon river in Brazil, off the coast of French Guiana, at Lat 6.0N Long 50.0W and moving rather slowly perhaps at 4 – 6 mph toward the west; the third wave being monitored, designated as 92L, was to the south by southeast of Bermuda at Lat 26.0N Long 59.0W moving toward the WNW at 15 mph.
A front moving generally east by southeast over the southern and eastern USA plus the Coriolis effect as waves Nos. 90L and 92L move farther to the north may result in these re-curbing and remaining over open waters respectively near the Azores and Bermuda. Wave #91L is quite close to the coast of French Guiana moving toward the west, which may interfere with its development despite the fact that it is quite a large system; it might also continue its travel westward despite its brush with the south american mainland and eventually approach the Lesser Antilles and the Caribbean.
Wave #92L is given a 60-70% chance of tropical or extratropical cyclone develpment as it continues to move in the general direction of Bermuda and the northeastern USA mainland. Wave #90L is given a 40% of further development while it remains over the open waters of the Atlantic.

Global mosaic, a composite of several satellite views, on 28 October 2010 showing the three pre-cyclonic waves being monitored over the north Atlantic waters, This satellite views show waver vapor in the atmosphere, which helps in visualizing the interactions and effects of various atmospheric features that may affect the tracks being followed by these waves.
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